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Lines of Research

Since its creation, the Graduate Program in Information Science has promoted research aimed at epistemological, theoretical and practical development in its area of concentration, Information and Society, with emphasis on the study of phenomena related to the central processes of management, selection, processing, organization, retrieval, use and dissemination of information, mainly aiming to approach, explore, understand and explain these phenomena.

For this, the PGCIN works according to the following four lines of research:

Line of Research 1: Memory, Mediation and Knowledge Organization

It comprises interdisciplinary studies related to memory, mediation, organization and representation of knowledge, considering them as contributing elements for the construction of knowledge in the context of Information Science. In this scope, memory is an investigative pole at the intersections with culture, heritage, identities and their representations in the informational field. It brings together the mediation of information, understood as a dialogical, formative and emancipating process allied to critical reflection, imbricated in the production, organization, preservation and access to information. It covers epistemological and historical studies in the field of knowledge organization, as well as theoretical, methodological, critical and applied development in the representation of interdisciplinary knowledge and in the construction of knowledge organization systems.
The following faculty members work in this line of research:


Line of Research 2: Information, Scientific Communication and Competence

It researches theoretical, conceptual, methodological aspects and actions related to the production of information, scientific communication and information competence. It develops studies related to access, dissemination, publication, measurement, mediation, disinformation and preservation of information. It investigates the performance of information professionals with regard to training, education and professional competence. It develops research on digital humanities, on the use and impact of algorithms in the information society.

The following faculty members work in this line of research:


Line of Research 3: Data, Intelligence and Technology

It investigates processes, environments, services, products and systems involving data, information and knowledge, through interdisciplinary approaches on collection, management, production, storage, sharing, transmission, retrieval, access, security, visualization, interconnection and evaluation of data and existing information in the most diverse contexts, with a view to the sustainability of organizations. As a support, it studies, applies and develops techniques, methods and tools for the creation of intelligent, prospective and innovative technologies.

The following faculty members work in this line of research:


Line of Research 4: Information and Knowledge Management

Through interdisciplinary approaches, it is based on information and knowledge resources in organizational processes (for profit or not). It studies the informational aspect as an instrument in decision making through innovation and maintenance of economic, environmental and social sustainability.

The following faculty members work in this line of research:


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